edi by Matěj Šrám (Praha)
“BOX KILLER 2025!!!! Yesss”
zakřičel/a Kubis v 14.01.2025 17:50 | archiv | taky zakřičet!
Baltic Games - the biggest and the most touted extreme sports event in Poland. Perfect seaside location - TrioCity and massive skatepark prepared just for this occasion brings people from all over Europe to compete and fight for the podium. The rollerblading part will be again a part of PRL - www.polishrollingleague.pl (Polish Rolling League ) which assures the highest level of skating. If you are looking for place to go for holidays - Baltic Games is your ultimate destination!!!! This year's event will take place on the 14th-16th July! More info soon on site - www.balticgames.pl or facebook - www.facebook.com/balticgames .