Acommodation / Ubytování
Hotel Hvězda - AFTERPARTY will be here
Adress - Vážany 182, 767 01 Kroměříž
E-mail - hvezda@hvezdahotel.cz
Tel. - +420 573 339 914
More information - http://www.hvezdahotel.cz
Reception exchange office is available 24 hours every day. Bus stop (urban mass transportation ) is directly near hotel, taxi available nonstop, price of downtown ride (to big square) 50,- Kč as far as 60,- Kč.
Hotel has 70 beds. From that is 24 double - bedded (24/2 = 800,-Kč), 2 triple-bed (2/3 = 900,-Kč) and 4 four (4/4 = 1000,-Kč).
Data for GPS == Loc: 49°16'56.97"N,17°23'11.26"E
Hotel Oskol
Address - Oskol 3203, Kroměříž 767 01
E-mail - oskol@snt.cz
Tel. - 573 341 240, 602 741 263, Fax - 573 341 180
More information - http://www.hoteloskol.wz.cz
Price of rooms: 1 bed - 600 Kč, 2 beds - 800 Kč, 3 beds - 1 000 Kč
Ubytovna Autoplyn
Address - Havlíčkova 2597, Kroměříž 767 01
E-mail - ubytovnakm@zlinsko.com
Tel. - 573 343 679, 602 709 334, 777 952 446
More information - http://www.ubytovnakm.zlinsko.com
Prices = 150 Kč,- person/day
More informations about place to stay can be found here: